Duplicity. Seen Wednesday evening March 25, 2009 at Clearview's Chelsea Cinema, auditorium #6. 2.5 slithy toads. So I did mention that I was wanting to see this movie, and I was able to catch it on a decent-size screen after my synagogue's annual meeting Wednesday night. Duplicity is written and directed by Tony Gilroy. He did the Bourne screenplays, and he is the mastermind behind the very entertaining Michael Clayton. It stars Julia Roberts and Clive Owen. Julia is Julia! Clive Owen first came to my attention with Croupier, part of the Shooting Gallery film series which I touched upon in my lengthy digression here and has gone on to often be the good part of mixed bags like Shoot Em Up or the first Steve Martin Pink Panther, and occasionally as in City of Men very good in very good films. The supporting cast is filled with nice names, giving the movie that old studio veneer that Michael Clayton had and which I admired in the work of Sydney Pollack . Bryce commented t...