The Longest Established Permanent Floating Thing I Do
We change, you know. We think the things we're doing will always be the things we're doing, but we change. Sometimes even the things that don't seem to be changing, change. As an example, I've been a literary agent for over 25 years, but the job description within the job has changed multiple times. I've had the same job, two employers (one of them being myself), and probably close to half a dozen job descriptions. But for me, there's one thing that hasn't, and that's going to the movies. And the earliest movie that I can place seeing at a particular theatre dates back to when I was five. We saw Airport at Radio City Music Hall. Would my younger brother had been with a baby sitter? It's hard even to think about. And since my parents didn't believe in film ratings and took us to everything... Deliverance at the Plaza Cinema, or stopping for Godfather, which I think we might have done as a side trip returning from visiting family in upstate N...