Silver Linings Playbook
Silver Linings Playbook is the first movie I've seen in rather a while which I would like to see again. It is also the first time I have started to write a review during the post screening Q&A. I'm not entirely sure why. This is a funny movie, but I have seen funnier. It is a romantic movie, but I have seen more romantic. It is a dancing movie, and it isn't Dirty Dancing. It is a Philadelphia sports movie, but it isn't Rocky. And yet there is something about the interplay of these elements that fascinates me. And certainly, there is something about the amazing cast that deserves a second viewing. Bradley Cooper (the Hangover movies, and many other and sometimes better) is being sprung from the loony bin by his mom, on various conditions for what he has to do after release. He did something he shouldn't have after seeing his wife doing something she shouldn't have. Hehas to use every ounce of his innate likability to keep you with him while he keeps doing th...