Boskone 50 - My Schedule!
I'm eagerly looking forward to being at Boskone 50 from February 19-21 at Boston's Westin Waterfront Hotel. My road to being a science fiction fan, and thus to JABberwocky, started in the Boskone dealer's room in the late 1970s. And I've got my fingers crossed that we're about to sell a first novel for an author I first met at Boskone a few years ago. My full schedule is below. In addition, you'll often find me hanging around the dealer's room or schmoozing in the hotel lobby, and it's one of the best events during the year to get some good quality time with me. Hope to see you in Boston! The Perfect Pitch Friday 16:00 - 16:50, Burroughs (Westin) Pitching a story can be intimidating, especially if you're new to the field or must change agents/editors. This is your chance to find out what agents, editors, and publishers want from their current writers, from writers fresh to the market, and from writers transitioning to someone new. Hear from the pr...