The Eternal GenCon of the Dodecahedral Mind
I'm excited to be a special Agent Guest of the GenCon Writers Symposium this year! So many of our clients and friends are going, and I'm on a lot of different program items, so I'm looking forward to being very busy for the four days of GenCon. Here's my official schedule for the Symposium with most program items at the Westin. If you're planning to attend, I hope you'll show up. Thursday August 4, 10AM -- Self-Publishing 101 Cabinet room Thursday August 4, 1PM -- Part Time Writer, Full Time Life Chamber room Friday August 5, 12 noon -- Traditional Publishing Cabinet Room Friday August 5, 2PM -- Elevator Pitches Congress 1 Friday August 5, 4PM -- Pitching Your Novel Caucus Saturday August 6, 2PM -- The Role of Agents Caucus Saturday August 6, 3PM -- Q&A w/Joshua Bilmes Caucus Saturday August 6, 4PM -- Role of Editors Caucus I'm also doing some pitch sessions, and I don't know if space is remaining or not. Check directly with the Symposium organiz...