Boskone 57 - Boskone 2020 - This Year's Boskone
I've said this a lot, but it bears repeating: When I was a teenager, the whole chain of events that ultimately led to me becoming JABbermaster started out when I was staying at the Boskone hotel, by chance and serendipity and coincidence. So I'm happy that I've been able to go to Boskone for near on each of the past fifteen years now, participate on the program, and pay it forward. And even happier that I have several clients as a direct result of my attendance at Boskone. And a quick thank you to the people on the Program Committee for Boskone. The final schedule email they sent is 100% ready just to paste as is. It doesn't have people's email addresses hiding in it or other things needing to be edited out. So that's pasted below, exactly as I got it. I hope I'll get to see some of you, and the Kaffeeklatsch I have is always a great opportunity for one-on-one in an intimate setting. As always, I have a great bunch of co-panelists. One of...