Boskone 57 - Boskone 2020 - This Year's Boskone
I've said this a lot, but it bears repeating:
When I was a teenager, the whole chain of events that ultimately led to me becoming JABbermaster started out when I was staying at the Boskone hotel, by chance and serendipity and coincidence. So I'm happy that I've been able to go to Boskone for near on each of the past fifteen years now, participate on the program, and pay it forward. And even happier that I have several clients as a direct result of my attendance at Boskone.
And a quick thank you to the people on the Program Committee for Boskone. The final schedule email they sent is 100% ready just to paste as is. It doesn't have people's email addresses hiding in it or other things needing to be edited out. So that's pasted below, exactly as I got it.
I hope I'll get to see some of you, and the Kaffeeklatsch I have is always a great opportunity for one-on-one in an intimate setting. As always, I have a great bunch of co-panelists. One of my panels I even get to share with two of my clients. This is a good convention for people who love reading sf/f, with a lot of people who come back year after year. Join the jamboree, and I'll hope to see you there.
BOSKONE 57, the 2020 BOSKONE -- Scheduling the JABbermaster
Editing from Agent, to Editor, to Publisher
Format: Panel
15 Feb 2020, Saturday 14:00 - 14:50, Marina 2 (Westin)
Writing is only half the work when crafting a story, novel, or article. Once the words are on the page, what happens next? Our panel discusses the review, revision, rewriting, and more needed at each stage of the process before the finished piece lands in the hands of a reader.
Melanie Meadors (M), Joshua Bilmes (JABberwocky Literary Agency), Beth Meacham, John Kessel (North Carolina State University), James D. Macdonald
Troubleshooting Troublesome Manuscripts
Format: Panel
15 Feb 2020, Saturday 15:00 - 15:50, Marina 2 (Westin)
Our intrepid authors come together to share tips and tricks for tackling the most notorious issues that arise when writing and editing their work. Find out how to fix hidden plot holes, dangling loose ends, and the endings that just won't end!
Joshua Bilmes (JABberwocky Literary Agency) (M), Matthew Warner (Deena Warner Design LLC), Steve Miller (Liaden Universe), Sharon Lee (Liaden Universe), Tabitha Lord (Association of RI Authors)
Kaffeeklatsch: Joshua Bilmes
Format: Kaffeeklatsch
15 Feb 2020, Saturday 18:00 - 18:50, Galleria - Kaffeeklatsch 2 (Westin)
Joshua Bilmes (JABberwocky Literary Agency)
Game to Fiction/Fiction to Game
Format: Panel
15 Feb 2020, Saturday 20:00 - 20:50, Burroughs (Westin)
Game designers have to come up with an interesting world and compelling story in much the same way as authors who write fiction. So, what does it take to adapt a game to fiction or fiction to game? What new opportunities does the process create? What obstacles need to be overcome?
Gregory Wilson, Dan Moren (M), Joshua Bilmes (JABberwocky Literary Agency), Auston Habershaw, Mur Lafferty
Killing Characters
Format: Panel
16 Feb 2020, Sunday 10:00 - 10:50, Burroughs (Westin)
Why would you create wonderful characters and then ruthlessly kill them? Perhaps it inspires a hero to action, or it makes the narrative more poignant. It might be that you’re tired of these characters or their story arcs have reached their ends. At any rate, what are some of the more creative ways (Reichenbach Falls?) of killing characters? What are the problems relating to creating an interesting death? Major and/or minor characters? Are there rules? Is it moral? Fair? Does the writer have a responsibility to the readership? (And what are the repercussions of this?) Should you plan for a possible (or surprise) comeback?
Teresa Nielsen Hayden (Tor Books), Cadwell Turnbull, Joshua Bilmes (JABberwocky Literary Agency), John Chu (M), KT Bryski
Play Mistborn!
Format: Gaming
16 Feb 2020, Sunday 11:00 - 12:50, Harbor III - Gaming (Westin)
Game on! A semi-cooperative resource-management game, Mistborn: House War is set during the events of Mistborn: The Final Empire, the first novel in the bestselling fantasy series by Brandon Sanderson. Join Brandon's agent Joshua Bilmes for a special demo of this fun new board game!
Joshua Bilmes (JABberwocky Literary Agency)
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