Manilla Extract (My Life in Technology, Pt. 3)
So as I've mentioned in my posts this week, I've been taking on new clients very selectively. And things have been going well enough for most of my long-time clients that I've usually been doing new contracts with current publishers. I think it's possible that my last major multiple submission was over three years ago when I sent out Adam-Troy Castro 's Emissaries from the Dead . My, but the world has changed a lot since then. Most major publishers have now given staff Sony Readers or other such things to do their reading on. Pretty much everyone takes submissions electronically. An entire big multiple submission was done without a single piece of paper. And I read multiple drafts of the manuscript on my Kindle and the final little tweaks just looking for the track changes on my computer. Once upon a time, everything was on paper. In the early years of JABberwocky, I would even do my own deliveries. It saved an awful lot on postage. It saved even more beca...