The New 52 Weeks Later, Pt. 3
In part 2 of the New 52 Weeks Later posts there were a lot of 0 issues worth talking about at some length. Not so much in the third batch... Frankenstein: Agent of Shade started out scripted by Jeff Lemire as intriguingly weird thing, with some intriguingly weird art. But it quickly got too weird and not near as intriguing, and soon had a new writer in Matt Kindt. There's still some nice Alberto Ponticelli and Wayne Faucher art, and a script that's just a very prosaic origin that still leaves things weird. I think I may bow out of this one, once and for all. Green Lantern: New Guardians #0 by Tony Bedard, Aaron Kuder and Andrei Bressan doesn't drown in continuity, it's half of a good comic book. But eventually it harkens back to this thing that previously happened and that thing that previously happened and isn't very interesting to me. So the 0 issues got me to give it a second try, but haven't converted me. Nor did Catwoman, which I skipped at the s...