Oscars 2016
Midnight: Spotlight. 11:57 I like Leonardo DiCaprio a lot, liked him from when I first saw him in Gilbert Grape a very very long time ago. In Wolf of Wall St., in Titanic, in lots of movies. I just wish he wasn't getting an Oscar for The Revenant. 11:53 PM I would happily see Michael Fassbender or Malcom's dad or Matt winning for Best Actor. But this is not likely to end happily. Steve Jobs was a great movie, and Fassbender's performance is a huge part of that. Matt Damon was too good, made it seem too easy! Trumbo better for me than for most critics. 11:45 PM Best Actress is a depressing category for me. Saw 45 Years, and not a fan. And not a fan of Brooklyn, or of Carol. Didn't see Joy. So I guess I'll hope for Brie Larson to win, as she is touted to do. 11:38 PM Not a surprise, but I so wish something or someone else would have won for Best Director. What can he do next year in his quest for Best Award Bait? ...