The Band's Visit
Seen Sunday March 2, 2008 @ the Reading/City Cinemas Angelika Film Center, Aud. #5, 30-35 people, 2 Slithy Toads.
My sister made me do it, and I wish she hadn't. The coming attraction for this movie looked very flat to me, and the reviews hadn't overcome my reservations, but my sister said nice things, and the 2nd week box-office suggested it was getting some nice word of mouth. Well, not from me. In Hebrew, Arabic and English with subtitles. Egyptian police band octet comes to Israel for concert in Petah Tikvah, ends up in Beit Hatikva instead, spends the night, they sleep, I fall asleep 3/4 of the way through. Next.
My sister made me do it, and I wish she hadn't. The coming attraction for this movie looked very flat to me, and the reviews hadn't overcome my reservations, but my sister said nice things, and the 2nd week box-office suggested it was getting some nice word of mouth. Well, not from me. In Hebrew, Arabic and English with subtitles. Egyptian police band octet comes to Israel for concert in Petah Tikvah, ends up in Beit Hatikva instead, spends the night, they sleep, I fall asleep 3/4 of the way through. Next.
Welcome to the blogosphere, Joshua. You are officially no longer a luddite.