A Paucity of Posts

It's super-busy time at work right now. Ongoing con obligations, Novelists Inc., I-Con, London Book Fair, and Malice Domestic, on four out of five weekends, so there goes the reading time. We have more business with the kind folk at 375 Hudson St. than anyone else, and Penguin (Ace/Roc/Berkley Prime Crime) and DAW royalty statement have both come in the past week, which means dozens of statements to be reviewed and spreadsheeted and shared with clients. We're updating the IT, so it's not only entering on to the spreadsheets but bringing them all over from the old format to the new. For 21 years in the business I could hardly sell audio rights, and now all at once they're hot for sf/fantasy so there are conversations aplenty. This doesn't leave so much time for blog posts. In fact, it's been so busy I had to catch up on four days worth of funnies this morning. I sent this one to my friends in Green Bay. Peter V. Brett wrote large chunks of his fantastic forthcoming fantasy THE PAINTED MAN (UK title; US almost final) on his mobile. & there are some LOL moments here. But the crush will pass. If any of these topics sound like something you'd like to read more about when the schedule permits, the comment thingamabob is just a line or two away.


  1. Share more on audio rights and any insight into that business that you care to impart. I worked at a library for a couple of years and it was the only "growth" reading section--that is to say, people would branch out to almost any titles because there simply weren't enough titles. I know it's expensive to produce, but there does seem to be an audience. We had at least one semi driver that came in weekly to get his allotment for the road--he even had to read romance at one point because there weren't enough others! (He cried about that for some time and refused to try any more romance...)

    Will the cost of production come down? Will ipods make books on audio more popular than ever?



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