quick newsy notes
The Kindle will soon be available in Best Buy.
The Wall Street Journal is said to be starting up a book section for its Saturday weekend edition.
The NY Times had actual science fiction novel reviews in the paper a Friday back and may do this on a regular basis. The column is from actual sf writer Jeff VanderMeer, and this is the seriousestish coverage of the field from the Times in years.
The Kobo reader is rolling out a desktop computer app.
Not doing the usual linkage because I am still on the road and these filtered in from different places.
The Wall Street Journal is said to be starting up a book section for its Saturday weekend edition.
The NY Times had actual science fiction novel reviews in the paper a Friday back and may do this on a regular basis. The column is from actual sf writer Jeff VanderMeer, and this is the seriousestish coverage of the field from the Times in years.
The Kobo reader is rolling out a desktop computer app.
Not doing the usual linkage because I am still on the road and these filtered in from different places.
Wow. Good to know.