Loncon 3 Schedule

I'm looking forward to attending my second British Worldcon next week, and will be at London's Excel for Loncon 3.

Here's when you can see me:

Thursday 14 August, 13:00
Kaffeeklatsch, London Suite 5 (Level 0)

A Kaffeeklatsch is a small group around a table, and advance reservations need to be made with or at the convention.  I know it's early in the convention weekend, which doesn't give a lot of time to sign up.  I hope you'll make plans to be part of this small group.

Saturday 16 August, 12:00
Finding an Agent, Capital Suite 16 (Level 3)

Join me, author Jacey Bedford, fellow agents Ian Drury and John Jarrold, and moderator and long-time editor Betsy Mitchell.  This is an especially exciting panel for me to be on because of the great co-panelists.  Betsy gave me my start in publishing, and John Jarrold was one of the very first UK publishing folk I got to meet in person, during his days at the Earthlight imprint at Simon & Schuster.

Saturday 16 August, 13:30
Adult Readers Within the YA Market, Capital Suite 10 (Level 3)

Happily my back-to-back panels are not far from one another!  Authors Sarah Ash and Ben Jeapes and Tor UK editor Bella Pagan will be joining me for this panel.


There are a lot of JABberwocky clients attending WorldCon and a lot of British publishers we don't get to see very often, so if you want to meet up with me, attending one of my panels is definitely the way to go. Not that you won't find me wandering around the dealer's room at some point or another, but with many people attending the con and events and meetings spread out in multiple hotels near Excel and even a few that'll have me hopping to Bank on the DLR, it'll be a little harder to count on serendipity bringing us together.


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