Balticon Schedule

I'm always excited to be going to Balticon.

My first convention as an agent was the Balticon where Elizabeth Moon was presented with the Compton Crook Award for Sheepfarmer's Daughter, and taking things full circle this year, E. L. Tettensor was a finalist this year for her debut novel Darkwalker.

Here's where you'll find me this weekend:

Friday May 22, 17:00 5pm
A Glimpse Behind the Curtain - The Business Side of Writing (Salon C)
there's a lot of ground to cover in a panel like this, which will be a rich reward for people who can get to Balticon early in its run.

Saturday May 23 17:00 5pm
Beyond Creative Commons (Tack)
the program book says this is a panel about moving from free pod-casting to selling your audios.  I hope I'm supposed to be the moderator, since I may have more questions than answers.

Saturday May 23 20:00 8pm
Tales From the Slush Pile (Tack)
My iPad has lots of bad queries ready to be read!  Learn what not to do, so you can do it right yourself.

Sunday May 24 14:30 2:30 pm
Dragons of Dorcastle Book Launch (Concierge Lounge)
Join "Jack Campbell" (the NYT bestselling pen name for John Hemry) as we celebrate the e-book and POD release of his new novel "The Dragons of Dorcastle," an Audible studios original for audio publication that's now available direct from JABberwocky in other formats.
And along for the ride -- Joshua Palmatier, with Temporarily Out of Order from his "Zombies Need Brains" and his own "Shattering the Ley"
PARTY -- FOOD -- FREE FOOD, actually!!

Sunday May 24 19:00 7pm
How to Incorporate Critique (Chase)
You've gotten your feedback.  Now what?
Revising a novel is as important as writing it in the first place, so this is a must-attend for people hoping to find themselves on the JABberwocky client roster.

Balticon is one of only a handful of times during 2015 when I'll be at a convention, and when you can meet up with me in person and find the key to opening my closed door to queries.


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